Sunday, August 15, 2010


Finally the Holga shots have come, and....and....and
I have a new printer/scanner/photocopier! Yay! A canon Pixma, so now I can create rockstar diversions and all sorts of havoc:)

Friday, July 23, 2010


So I'm feeling inspired, after a new, really short haircut and I feel inspired by Edie Sedgwick more than ever.
Short silver sprayed hair, with giant kitten eyes and chandelier earrings...what a babe.
She's so much more captivating than Marilyn Munroe, I think. Her relationships with Andy Warhol and Bob Dylan are fascinating.

Coincidentally The Velvet Underground's song 'Femme Fatale' is an ode to Edie, of which is one of the greatest bands around.

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Neon Indian

These guys have been creeping up for a while. But I love them/him.
Just a little bit. People say they're a a bit like MGMT on acid. Yeah cause it's indie electro-ish and one of their songs is called "should of taken acid with you" whoever thought that up was a real genius....
But what is interesting about them is this sort of funk that they have. You can just chill out and the lyrics don't hit your head like a mallet nor wants to make you sing along really, but at the same time it doesn't bore you like some instrumental electro stuff. So I can dance, chill, smoke or study to this awesome music. And I swear, any music that lets me listen to it that often and not get sick of it is sweet.
Seriously get on to them, it's catchy like gonorrhea; you don't know how much they've caught on until someone else tells you.

Saturday, June 26, 2010

The holga.

So This...
is my new camera, of many. Holga, with filtered lens and a fish eye attatchment lens.
But, It's still difficult to trust an ebay purchase that took something like 5 weeks past the reccommended time to arrive.

But then again I can't hope for it to make up for my below par talent with photography.
There is always going to be something you purely do because it's fun, no matter how much you suck at it. (like Greg Norman with golf)

People that you know will go far.

So there's some people that you know are just going to be there, at the top.
This guy is the business.
His taste and talent should get him far.

But what's best about him:
He sees the best in people!
His amazing personailty shines through his work.
A million people should want to be him

Thursday, May 13, 2010

oh. and hipsters. Don't get me started.
actually no. Who actually calls themselves hipsters? Even hipsters deny their label. Hell they came up with it, or is it just the connotations it comes with?

Just because you refuse to be called a hipster doesn't mean you aren't a pretentious, arrogant, arty type who thinks that their style is unique.


I won't deny it. I'm an arty, arrogant, agressive person who refuses to admit that my style isn't unique.

all my friends think I'm cool......

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

This was meant to be funny.

Theres things that you want to read.
and there's things that just are plain trash.
This is the latter.

But there are some things we all have in common.

  • Your mates soccer team that we go and watch and every week they lose. Horribly. But still they brag and still we love them and still we go on and watch them.
  • Vacuous chatter. Sometimes you wonder why you say things that when it comes out of another chick's mouth....and you wanted to slap her for it.
and blogging.